Run the FIRST COMMAND IN THE OUTPUT SHELL. Th en run the command -Is curl | sudo sh. (You have been warned.) press ctrl + alt + t, and type in shell. Then, this part can turn your computer into a valuable brick. Resign in, enable apps with the prompt, and resign in again. (It is possible android apps are already on your chromebook.) Wait 10-15 minutes, and see if in the profile hotbar, it says restart to update, click on it. If it does, press settings, about chrome os, detailed build information, click change channel, and select the bubble that is supposed to have android apps accessible. Then you need to see if your Chromebook supports the Play Store. The screen will go dark, and when it lights up, there is a warning saying: chrome os is is missing or damaged. Hold the ctrl key down, and press d. After that, press the esc, reload, & power buttons. This WILL delete local data (downloads), so backup important files to a usb drive. To root its android capabilities, you must first enable developer mode. Finally, the complex OS that is a Chromebook.It is essentially a Linux-based OS, but its root features are locked. deb files, and to install regular packages. Root on Linux is similar, but you need to remember your password because you need to enter it for a superuser shell, and to install.

If you're the first user on your computer, you are automatically an Administrator. Root is incredibly easy on mac and windows, but it isn't called root.